RED January
Employees of South Lakes Housing are taking part in the R.E.D January challenge to raise funds for local charity South Lakeland Mind. R.E.D stands for Run Every Day during the January which encourages participants to undertake a month-long challenge to run, walk, swim or any other exercise each day, every day. Over the next 31 days staff will be doing something active to raise awareness of mental health issues whilst raising money for this local charity.
Kimberley Andrew (Community Development and Engagement Officer for South Lakeland Mind, said R.E.D January is bringing the community together to raise awareness and support for mental health through the power of exercise. There are opportunities such as Urban Orienteering every Wednesday throughout January 6-7pm starting at the Birdcage to meet other REDers and to get active together. It is fantastic to see South Lakes Housing taking on the challenge as a team to fundraise for South Lakeland Mind. Every amount raised will truly make a huge difference to someones life, for further information see
Lyn Richardson, Community Engagement Officer and organiser of the event at South Lakes Housing said, We have thirty staff signed up to the challenge which is a great way to kick start getting active for 2018.
Louise Matthews (participant) said, It is a great incentive to get out and do some exercise that I normally would not be motivated to do, but we also get to raise awareness of mental health issues which is close to my heart. I suffer with depression and social anxiety issues I am hoping to get some benefits, as research shows it improves your mood and reduces anxiety by releasing endorphins. It helps takes your mind off worries, helps you gain confidence and helps you cope in a healthy way.
The programme is being conducted alongside other initiatives including the Active Cumbria Workplace Challenge so the exercise wont just stop at the end of January.
If anyone would like to donate there is the South Lakes Housing Just giving page here.