Meet the Team: Jenny- Housing Options Officer

Jenny is a Housing Options Officer here at South Lakes Housing where she works with her team to allocate void properties to applicants who are on the Cumbria Choice housing register. She will also make sure that applications are correctly assessed and kept up to date on the register as well as helping applicants who need assistance to register on Cumbria Choice.

Jenny has worked here at South Lakes Housing for the last 5 months and works from both Kendal and Ulverston offices. She is regularly out around the whole of South Lakeland carrying out accompanied viewings with prospective tenants.

Once tenants have been allocated their new home Jenny and her team support them to  complete their pre-tenancy checks which consist of;

  • Completing my new home forms
  • Landlord references
  • Collecting proof of ID
  • Current address
  • National Insurance Number

The Housing Options Team works closely with the Tenancy Management Team to help new tenants sign up and sustain their tenancy. Jenny and her team also work closely with the homeless team at SLDC and the other partners of Cumbria Choice.

If you would like to speak with Jenny or a member of the Housing Options Team then please call us on 0300 303 8540 or send us an email to

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