TSM Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

2023/24 Tenant Satisfaction Measure Results are in!

Thank you to all those customers who took part in completing satisfaction surveys. It has helped us to understand and give us more insight into what we’re doing well and what we’re not doing so well in. Your feedback is extremely important to us.

Between 19th December 2023 and 9th February 2024, an independent market research company, TLF The Leadership Factor was commissioned by SLH to carry out satisfaction surveys, called Tenant Satisfaction Measures.

You can now view the results and see what customers said about us and the homes and services we provide.

Last year, the Regulator of Social Housing introduced a new requirement for all social housing landlords to annually report on a set of measures that tells you how we are doing at providing quality homes and services.

The measures aim to improve standards for people living in social rented housing (known as Low Cost Rented Accommodation (LCRA)) and shared owners (known as Low Cost Home Ownership (LCHO)) by:

• Showing you how well we are doing on important things like delivering repairs, dealing with any complaints and treating you with respect.

• Allowing you to hold us to account when we are not performing as we should.

• Giving the Regulator an insight into which landlords might need to improve things for their customers.

TSMs will show how well we:

• keep your homes in a good state of repair.

• make sure your homes are safe.

• give you opportunities to have your say, and act on your views.

• handle complaints.

There are 22 TSMs, including:

• 12 Tenant Perception Measures – we measure these through an annual tenant perception survey.

• 10 General Management Measures – we measure these directly through information we hold in our systems.

Not all customers were required to take part in these surveys, the percentage requirements are set by the Regulator of Social Housing; 683 customers living in social rented housing and 14 living in affordable housing took part. TLF randomly selected the customers and collected the results, using a mix of telephone and online survey methods.

Have a look, and see what customers have said about us:

TSM Tenant Perception Measures and General Management results:

Customers were able to provide their feedback anonymously, or share their details, we received both positive and negative feedback, here’s a sample of positive feedback we received:


We have contacted all customers who agreed for TLF to share their details and provided negative feedback to listen and better understand the reasons and what we can to do to resolve issues and continue to improve homes and services.


National TSM results 2023/24 year end as published by Housemark for English landlords: